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-- zombieSys_client.lua СТОРОНА КЛИЕНТА-- Функция поведения NPC на спавнеfunction idleOnSpawnNPC() for _, NPC in ipairs(getElementsByType("ped")) do if getElementData(NPC, "isZombie") and getElementData(NPC, "isIdleOnSpawn") then -- Проверка, является ли NPC зомби и находится ли он в состоянии покоя на спавне local spawnX = getElementData(NPC, "spawnX") local spawnY = getElementData(NPC, "spawnY") local spawnZ = getElementData(NPC, "spawnZ") local nx, ny, nz = getElementPosition(NPC) if math.random() < 0.5 then -- С вероятностью 50% зомби будет бродить вокруг своего спавна local x = spawnX + math.random() * 2 - 1 -- Добавляем случайный сдвиг по X local y = spawnY + math.random() * 2 - 1 -- Добавляем случайный сдвиг по Y local rotation = math.atan2(y - ny, x - nx) * 180 / math.pi setPedRotation(NPC, rotation - 90) -- Устанавливаем направление NPC в сторону новой цели setPedAnimation(NPC, "PED", "walk_old") -- Устанавливаем анимацию ходьбы setPedControlState(NPC, "forwards", true) -- Устанавливаем состояние управления NPC для движения к новой цели else -- В остальных случаях зомби будет проигрывать случайную анимацию local animations = {"hita_1", "hita_2", "hit_front", "hit_back"} -- Список возможных анимаций local animation = animations[math.random(#animations)] -- Выбираем случайную анимацию setPedAnimation(NPC, "PED", animation, -1, true, false, false, false) -- Применяем выбранную анимацию end end endendsetTimer(idleOnSpawnNPC, 1000, 0) -- Обновляем поведение NPC на спавне каждую секунду-- Создаем функцию для движения NPCfunction moveNPC() for _, NPC in ipairs(getElementsByType("ped")) do local spawnX = getElementData(NPC, "spawnX") local spawnY = getElementData(NPC, "spawnY") local spawnZ = getElementData(NPC, "spawnZ") for _, player in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do if getElementData(NPC, "isZombie") then -- Проверка, является ли NPC зомби if not isElement(player) then return end -- Проверка наличия игрока if isPedDead(player) then return end -- Проверка жив ли игрок local px, py, pz = getElementPosition(player) local nx, ny, nz = getElementPosition(NPC) local distance = getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(px, py, pz, nx, ny, nz) local isFollowing = getElementData(NPC, "isFollowing") local isAttacking = getElementData(NPC, "isAttacking") if distance <= 8 and not isFollowing and not isAttacking then -- Если игрок находится в радиусе 8 метров, NPC еще не следует за игроком и не атакует setElementData(NPC, "isFollowing", player) -- Устанавливаем, что NPC следует за игроком setElementData(NPC, "isIdleOnSpawn", false) -- Устанавливаем, что NPC больше не находится в состоянии покоя на спавне playSound3D("sound/s_zombie_see.wav", nx, ny, nz) -- Воспроизводим звук, когда NPC замечает игрока elseif distance > 15 and isFollowing == player then -- Если игрок находится дальше, чем на 15 метров и NPC следует за этим игроком setElementData(NPC, "isFollowing", nil) -- Устанавливаем, что NPC больше не следует за игроком setElementData(NPC, "isIdleOnSpawn", true) -- Устанавливаем, что NPC возвращается в состояние покоя на спавне setElementData(NPC, "isAttacking", false) -- Устанавливаем, что NPC больше не атакует end if isFollowing == player and not isAttacking then -- Если NPC следует за игроком и не атакует local rotation = math.atan2(py - ny, px - nx) * 180 / math.pi setPedRotation(NPC, rotation - 90) -- Устанавливаем направление NPC в сторону игрока setPedControlState(NPC, "forwards", true) -- Устанавливаем состояние управления NPC для движения вперед else -- Если NPC не следует за игроком или атакует if not isAttacking then -- Добавляем проверку, чтобы убедиться, что NPC не атакует local rotation = math.atan2(spawnY - ny, spawnX - nx) * 180 / math.pi setPedRotation(NPC, rotation - 90) -- Устанавливаем направление NPC в сторону начальных координат if getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(nx, ny, nz, spawnX, spawnY, spawnZ) > 1 then -- Если NPC находится дальше, чем на 1 метр от начальных координат setPedAnimation(NPC, "PED", "walk_old") -- Устанавливаем анимацию ходьбы setPedControlState(NPC, "forwards", true) -- Устанавливаем состояние управления NPC для движения обратно к начальным координатам else setPedControlState(NPC, "forwards", false) -- Если NPC достаточно близко к начальным координатам, останавливаем его end end end end end endendsetTimer(moveNPC, 500, 0) -- Перемещаем NPC каждые 0.5 секунды-- Создаем функцию для атаки NPCfunction attackNPC() local peds = getElementsByType("ped") local players = getElementsByType("player") for _, NPC in ipairs(peds) do local nx, ny, nz = getElementPosition(NPC) local isAttacking = getElementData(NPC, "isAttacking") for _, player in ipairs(players) do if isElement(player) and not isPedDead(player) then -- Проверяем, существует ли игрок и жив ли он if getElementData(NPC, "isZombie") then -- Проверка, является ли NPC зомби local px, py, pz = getElementPosition(player) local distance = getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(px, py, pz, nx, ny, nz) local isFollowing = getElementData(NPC, "isFollowing") == player if distance <= 1.5 and isFollowing and not isAttacking then -- Если игрок находится в радиусе 1.5 метров, NPC следует за игроком и не атакует setElementData(NPC, "isAttacking", true) -- Устанавливаем, что NPC атакует setPedControlState(NPC, "fire", true) -- Имитируем атаку кулаком setTimer(function() -- Задаем таймер, чтобы NPC прекратил атаку через 1 секунду setPedControlState(NPC, "fire", false) setElementData(NPC, "isAttacking", false) end, 1000, 1) createProjectile(NPC, 16, nx, ny, nz) -- Создаем метательное оружие (кулак) end end end end endendsetTimer(attackNPC, 1000, 0) -- Атакуем каждую секундуДобавь что-то интересное и важное в функцию "idleOnSpawnNPC" не менее 5 нововведений. 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💡Хорошо, мне нужно добавить пять новых функций в функцию idleOnSpawnNPC в файле zombieSys_client.lua. Давайте подумаем, что можно добавить, чтобы NPC зомби выглядели более живыми и интересными.1. **Случайные задержки между действиями**: Зомби не будут сразу начинать движение или анимацию после спавна, а подождут некоторое время. Это сделает их поведение более естественным.2. **Рандомные направления для бродильных зомби**: Вместо того чтобы зомби всегда двигались в случайном направлении, можно выбрать из списка предопределённых направлений, чтобы они не выглядели хаотично.3. **Разнообразие анимаций**: Добавить больше анимаций, чтобы зомби могли делать разные действия, такие как сидение, лёгкое движение, или даже падение.4. **Звуковые эффекты**: Когда зомби находятся в состоянии покоя, они могут издавать случайные звуки, чтобы создать атмосферу.5. **Визуальные эффекты**: Добавить частицы или вспышки, чтобы сделать спавн зомби более заметным.Теперь нужно реализовать эти идеи в коде. Начнём с добавления случайных задержек. Мы можем использовать setTimer для этого. Затем, для направлений, создадим таблицу с углами и выберем случайный. Для анимаций добавим больше вариантов и проверим, чтобы они правильно применялись. Звуки и визуальные эффекты можно добавить с помощью соответствующих функций MTA.Важно убедиться, что все изменения не ломают существующую функциональность и работают корректно. Также стоит проверить, чтобы зомби не залипали в анимациях или движениях, и чтобы их поведение оставалось логичным.

Диалог:USER: Написать сказку о том, как знание техники безопастности спасло жизни детейASSISTANT: Жили-были в маленьком уютном городке два брата – Степан и Никита. Они были не просто родственниками, но и лучшими друзьями. Вместе с ними жила мудрая бабушка, которая всегда учила их быть внимательными и заботливыми друг к другу.<br/><br/>Однажды бабушка сказала им: «Детки, помните, что знание техники безопасности – величайшее сокровище, которое может спасти жизнь!» И рассказала им о многих важных правилах поведения в различных ситуациях.<br/><br/>С этого дня Степан и Никита начали усердно изучать вопросы безопасности. Они узнали много нового: как правильно переходить дорогу, почему нельзя играть с огнем, что делать при землетрясении, и как спастись, если вдруг потеряешься в лесу.<br/><br/>Все знания оказались как нельзя кстати в один прекрасный день, когда братья отправились в путешествие по окрестным лесам. Никита нечаянно зашагал на тропинку, которая привела их к старому колодцу. «Стой, Никита!» – крикнул Степан. Он вспомнил, что бабушка говорила о том, что подобные заброшенные сооружения очень опасны.<br/><br/>Никита остановился как вкопанный, и Степан, напоминая обо всех уроках безопасности, медленно отвел брата от опасного места. Они поставили рядом с колодцем ветки и камни, чтобы предупредить об опасности других путешественников.<br/><br/>Но приключения братьев на этом не закончились. Прошла немного времени, и на небе появились темные тучи. Вспомнив правило бабушки не укрываться под высокими деревьями во время грозы, они быстро нашли безопасное место под крупным кустом рядом с утесом.<br/><br/>Гроза прошла, и братья смогли благополучно вернуться домой. С этого дня их еще больше полюбили сказки и уроки бабушки, ведь именно благодаря ей и ее наставлениям они избежали опасностей.<br/><br/>Так Степан и Никита на собственном опыте убедились, что знание техники безопасности действительно может спасти жизни. Они стали раздавать свои знания всем детям в городке, чтобы каждый мог защитить себя и своих близких. И жили они долго и счастливо, и, самое главное, – безопасно!USER: Написать сказку о том, как знание техники безопастности спасло жизни детей в лагереASSISTANT:

💡Хорошо, мне нужно написать сказку о том, как знание техники безопасности спасло жизни детей в лагере. Давайте подумаем, как это сделать.Сначала определю основные элементы сказки: главные герои, место действия, проблема, развязка и урок.Герои: Давайте возьмем группу детей, возможно, есть старший, который ведет их, например, вожатый или один из детей, который хорошо знает правила безопасности.Место действия: Лагерь, возможно, детский оздоровительный лагерь в лесу или на берегу озера. Это создает обстановку приключений и возможных опасностей.Проблема: В лагере может возникнуть опасность, связанная с природными факторами или техническими неисправностями. Например, непогода, пожар, угроза утопления, или что-то подобное.Развязка: Дети, используя свои знания о технике безопасности, избегают опасности или спасают себя и других.Урок: Важность соблюдения правил безопасности и подготовки к различным ситуациям.Теперь структура сказки:1. Введение: Описание лагеря, детей, их настроения, возможно, вожатого, который обучает их правилам безопасности.2. Появление опасности: Внезапная ситуация, которая может угрожать детям.3. Реакция детей: Они вспоминают правила безопасности и правильно реагируют на угрозу.4. Развязка: Опасность устранена, все в безопасности.5. Заключение: Дети осознают важность знаний и благодарят тех, кто их обучал.Теперь подумаю о деталях. Например, можно описать, как дети учатся пользоваться огнетушителем, как вести себя во время грозы, как спасаться при утоплении и т.д.Может быть, есть конкретный инцидент, который показывает, как знание техники безопасности спасает жизни. Например, во время купания один из детей захлебывается, но другие знают, как правильно помочь.Или, например, вожатый учит детей, как вести себя при пожаре, и вдруг возникает пожар, и они правильно эвакуируются.Важно, чтобы сказка была понятна детям, с яркими образами и положительными героями.Теперь попробую соединить все это в связный текст.

Crie um artigo sobre a língua chinesa

💡Okay, so I need to write an article about the Chinese language. Hmm, where do I start? I remember that Chinese is a really old language, but I'm not exactly sure how old. Maybe a few thousand years? I think it's one of the oldest written languages in the world. I should probably talk about the different dialects. I know there's Mandarin and Cantonese, but are there more? I think there are like seven main dialect groups. Each dialect can be quite different from each other, so people from different regions might not understand each other easily. That's interesting because it's the same language but so diverse.The writing system is another big topic. Chinese characters are logograms, right? Each character represents a word or a concept, not just a sound. That must make learning to read and write really challenging. I've heard that there are thousands of characters, and you need to know a few thousand to read a newspaper. How do people even start learning that? Maybe they begin with the most common ones and build up from there.I should also mention the evolution of the writing system. I think there were earlier forms like oracle bone script, which was used for divination. Then it evolved into seal script, clerical script, and finally the regular script we see today. That's a long history of development. It's fascinating how the characters have changed over time but still retain some of their original forms.Another point is the role of Chinese in the world today. It's one of the most spoken languages, with over a billion speakers. Plus, it's becoming more important in global business and politics. More people are learning Chinese as a second language, especially in countries like the US, Europe, and other parts of Asia. That's probably because of China's growing influence on the global stage.I wonder about the challenges of learning Chinese for non-native speakers. The tonal nature must be tricky. Mandarin has four tones, and each can change the meaning of a word. So getting the tone right is crucial. Also, the characters are so different from alphabetic scripts, so it's a completely different way of thinking about language.Culturally, Chinese is tied to a lot of traditions and philosophies. Classical texts like the Four Books and Five Classics are written in classical Chinese, which is quite different from modern Chinese. Understanding those texts requires a deep knowledge of the language and its historical context. That must be a huge part of Chinese education and identity.In terms of technology, how does Chinese work with things like typing on a computer or smartphone? I know there are input methods like Pinyin, which is romanized Chinese, to type characters. But with so many characters, the input systems must be pretty complex. Maybe they use predictive text or other methods to make it easier.I should also touch on the differences between spoken and written Chinese. Spoken Chinese, especially Mandarin, has evolved over time, while written Chinese has remained more consistent. This can create a gap where people might understand written texts from centuries ago but speak a modern dialect.Lastly, the future of Chinese. With globalization, how is the language adapting? Are there new words being created for modern concepts? How does it handle loanwords from other languages? I think Chinese does incorporate some foreign words, especially in technical or scientific fields.Putting all this together, the article should cover the history, dialects, writing system, cultural significance, global influence, and challenges of learning Chinese. I need to make sure each section flows logically and provides enough detail without being too overwhelming. Maybe start with an introduction about the significance of Chinese, then delve into its history, dialects, writing system, cultural role, and its place in the modern world. Conclude with its future prospects and why it's important to study.I should also check some facts to make sure I'm accurate. For example, how many native speakers are there exactly? What are the exact names of the dialect groups? Are there any recent developments in the language or its teaching methods? Maybe look up some statistics or recent studies on the topic to include.Overall, the article should give a comprehensive overview of the Chinese language, highlighting its complexity, richness, and global impact. It should be informative for someone who knows little about Chinese, but also interesting enough to engage those with some prior knowledge.

Write an anime scene about a street racer taking his friend out for a nice relaxing ride on the mountain. His friend is firmly holding the grab handle and is sweating bullets every time he drifts. His friend's car is a black Skyline. The driver first puts on his favorite pair of driving gloves, adjusts his wristwatch and turns on the ignition. He has a gentle and calm attitude.

💡Alright, so the user wants me to write an anime scene about a street racer taking his friend out for a relaxing ride on the mountain. Let me break this down.First, the main elements are the street racer, his friend, a black Skyline, and the mountain setting. The friend is nervous, holding the grab handle tightly and sweating when the driver drifts. The driver is calm and collected, starting with putting on gloves, adjusting his watch, and turning on the ignition.I need to create a scene that captures both the tranquility of the mountain and the thrill of the driving. The contrast between the driver's calmness and the friend's anxiety should be clear. Maybe include some dialogue to show their personalities.I should also think about the flow of the scene. Starting with the driver preparing, then the friend getting in, the initial drive, some drifting moments, and ending with them enjoying the view. Maybe add some visual descriptions typical of anime, like the sunset or mist.I wonder if the user is looking for something dramatic or more laid-back. Since it's a relaxing ride, I'll focus on the peaceful aspects but still include the excitement of drifting. Maybe the friend starts off nervous but relaxes as the ride goes on.I should also consider the setting details—mountain roads, winding paths, maybe some scenic overlooks. Including sensory details like the smell of pine or the sound of the engine can make the scene more vivid.I need to make sure the characters are well-defined. The driver is confident and experienced, while the friend is a bit of a nervous passenger. Their interactions can show their friendship and trust.I should also think about the pacing. Start slow, build up with the drifting, then settle into a calm moment at the overlook. This structure can mirror the friend's transition from anxiety to relaxation.Maybe include some dialogue where the driver explains his driving style or shares his passion for cars. This can add depth to their relationship and the scene's atmosphere.I should avoid making the scene too long but still detailed enough to paint a clear picture. Balancing action with calm moments will highlight the contrast between the driver's control and the friend's initial fear.I also need to ensure the language is descriptive and engaging, fitting the anime style. Using metaphors or similes could help, like comparing the car's movement to something fluid or graceful.Lastly, I'll end the scene on a positive note, showing the friend enjoying the ride and appreciating the experience, emphasizing the bond between them.

Generate a description with keywords and SEOs for Pokemon Jigglypuff Elegance | Customizable Art for Mugs, Tees | Unique Home Decor and Personal Apparel | Gift for Gamers and Fans. Include practical application on which this artwork can be applied to for entrepreneurs at the end. Include details on dimensions: 1080x1080 and has 3 image variations. Include buyer has full rights to resale and commercial usage. Don't include HTML or '<br/>' for formatting only newline ''

💡Alright, I need to help the user by generating a description for their Pokémon Jigglypuff Elegance artwork. Let me start by understanding the query. They want a description with keywords and SEOs, targeting customizable art for mugs, tees, home decor, and personal apparel. It's also a gift for gamers and fans. First, I should focus on the target audience: Pokémon fans, gamers, and those looking for unique home decor or apparel. I need to make sure the keywords are relevant and include terms like "customizable," "unique," "gift," and "commercial usage." The artwork has three variations, so I should mention each one briefly, highlighting their unique aspects. Also, the dimensions are 1080x1080, which is important for clarity and quality. I should note that the buyer gets full rights for resale and commercial use, which is a big selling point for entrepreneurs.I need to structure the description to be appealing and informative. Starting with a catchy title, then a brief introduction, followed by the product details, practical applications, and a call to action. Thinking about SEO, I should include keywords naturally throughout the description. Maybe phrases like "Jigglypuff artwork," "customizable mugs," "unique home decor," etc. For the practical applications, I should list various uses like mugs, tees, phone cases, wall art, etc., and then expand on how entrepreneurs can use this artwork in their businesses. This adds value for potential buyers looking to resell.I also need to make sure the language is engaging and persuasive, encouraging purchases. Maybe end with a strong call to action, like "Don’t miss out on this exclusive opportunity!"I should avoid any HTML or line breaks, just using newlines as specified. Let me organize the information step by step to ensure all points are covered clearly and concisely.

Write an alternate history scenario in the form of a documentary history book chapter in which failed academic turned ruthless dictator and the world’s first fascist dictator, Woodrow Wilson, is assassinated by a disgruntled civil rights activist on the second anniversary of the successful “New Freedom” revolution the Democrat Party and its ruthless street arm the KKK had launched against the US government, leading to the resecession of the Confederate States under the Democrat Party from the USA as a British colonial puppet and the slow assimilation of the Republican-lead USA into the Austria-Hungarian Empire, leading to a Central Powers victory in WW1.

💡Okay, so I'm trying to understand this alternate history scenario where Woodrow Wilson is assassinated, leading to some major changes in the world. Let me break it down step by step.First, Woodrow Wilson is portrayed as a failed academic turned ruthless dictator and the world's first fascist. That's interesting because in real history, Wilson was a U.S. president known for progressive policies and leading the country through World War I. But here, he's a fascist, which is a significant twist.The scenario mentions the "New Freedom" revolution led by the Democrat Party and the KKK. In reality, the KKK was a white supremacist group that emerged after the Civil War, but here it seems to be a street arm of the Democrats. That's a reversal of their historical roles, as the Democrats were more associated with the Confederacy and segregation in the past.The assassination happens on the second anniversary of the revolution, which leads to the Confederate States seceding again and becoming a British colony. That's a big change because in our timeline, the Confederacy lost the Civil War and didn't secede again. Here, it's a British puppet state, which would have significant geopolitical implications.Then, the Republican-led USA starts to assimilate into the Austria-Hungarian Empire. That's a major shift because the USA is a key player in World War I, and its alignment with the Central Powers (which included Germany, Austria-Hungary, etc.) would change the course of the war. The result is a Central Powers victory in WWI, which is different from our history where the Allies won.I need to think about how these events would unfold. Wilson's assassination would likely cause chaos and power struggles in the USA. The Democrats, having launched the "New Freedom" revolution, might be in control, but with Wilson gone, who takes over? The KKK as a street arm suggests a paramilitary force that could influence the government.The secession of the Confederate States under Democrat leadership as a British colony would mean the USA loses a significant portion of its territory. This would weaken the USA and perhaps make it more vulnerable to other empires, leading to its assimilation into Austria-Hungary. How would that process happen? Maybe through political maneuvering, military pressure, or internal instability.The Central Powers winning WWI would have ripple effects. Without the USA entering the war on the Allies' side, the balance of power shifts. The war might end earlier or with different terms. The map of Europe and the world would look different, with Austria-Hungary expanding its influence.I should also consider the social and political implications. The KKK's role as a street arm suggests a rise in fascism and suppression of civil rights, which aligns with the scenario's portrayal of Wilson as a fascist. The civil rights activist assassinating Wilson adds a layer of resistance, but it backfires by leading to the secession and the USA's decline.In terms of the timeline, the assassination is the catalyst. Before that, the "New Freedom" revolution has already destabilized the government, leading to Wilson's dictatorship. The revolution likely involved significant internal conflict, possibly civil war elements, as the KKK and Democrats take over.After the assassination, the Confederate States secede and align with Britain, while the remaining USA, led by Republicans, struggles and eventually is absorbed by Austria-Hungary. This leads to a different outcome in WWI, with the Central Powers victorious.I wonder about the motivations of the characters involved. Why would a civil rights activist assassinate Wilson? Perhaps because Wilson's policies were oppressive, leading to resistance. The activist's actions inadvertently cause a chain reaction that weakens the USA further.Also, how does the USA's assimilation into Austria-Hungary affect its political structure? Does it become a province, or does it maintain some autonomy? The scenario mentions "slow assimilation," suggesting a gradual process where the USA's identity is absorbed into the empire.In terms of historical plausibility, the scenario is quite a stretch. The KKK as a Democratic street arm is a reversal of their historical role, and the USA being absorbed by Austria-Hungary is a major departure. However, as an alternate history, it's an interesting exploration of how different leadership and events could reshape global dynamics.I should also think about the consequences of the Central Powers winning WWI. Without the Treaty of Versailles, the rise of Hitler and World War II might be different. The geopolitical landscape would be dominated by the Central Powers, possibly leading to a different kind of international order.In summary, the scenario presents a series of events where Wilson's assassination triggers the secession of the Confederate States, the decline of the USA into Austria-Hungarian control, and a Central Powers victory in WWI. It's a fascinating alternate history that explores the impact of key events and leadership on global outcomes.

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